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CoELIB Centre exemplified as a creator of innovative solutions while setting the pace for effective resource management

“The Centre of Excellence for Livestock Innovation and Business (CoELIB) might be the answer to Egerton University’s debt problems,” reads an article published in the Daily Nation on 4th Jan 2020.

The article published by one Francis Mureithi highlights the strides made by CoELIB Centre with regard to milestones in innovation, research, student empowerment through business, agriculture, donor funding support to Egerton University, etc. while boasting efficient financial resource management within ins quotas.

“The programme employs innovation, research and technology to nurture life-skills among young graduates so that they can transform their lives. They do this by changing their participants’ approach to agriculture as well as encouraging them to develop innovative enterprises…” the article further reads.

One of CoELIB Centre’s biggest achievements, as cited by the Programme Director for CoELIB Centre and DVC(AA)-Egerton University Prof. A. K. Kahi is “…when its participants helped the University to successfully host a live graduation ceremony…” thus saving the University money to the surplus of millions.

Such interventions strategically place CoELIB as a centre wel able to help Egerton University unhook herself from the financial challenges she is grappling with while setting the bar on matters transparency and accountability especially with regard to the finances at our disposal.

The article also features insights into other products and services of CoELIB including CoELIB Incubar, CoELIB Media, CoELIB Kaffe, and the plethora of lifechanging gains these services have on the Centre, its affiliates, and Egerton University.

Read more of this on (PG. 3) on the Higher Education feature by DN2 - a pull-out of the Daily Nation dated 4th Jan 2020.

Our mission is to empower businesses, entrepreneurs, and communities by providing them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and support to succeed in an ever-changing economic landscape.


CoELIB, Egerton University,
8 Maringo Road,
536-20115 Egerton Kenya.

(+254) 711 082 444/3

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