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Advancing towards Centre Sustainability through CoELIB Apparel

Advancing towards Centre Sustainability through CoELIB Apparel

The apparel industry provides an opportunity for CoELIB Centre to expand its reach and impact as it works towards the sustainable gains of its mandate. CoELIB Apparel, the newest addition to the CoELIB family, actualizes our core value of ‘spearheading Business Development for start-ups and incubation of concepts’ but with an in-house approach.

The unit creates artistic apparel, clothing items, and accessories for use both by CoELIB Centre staff and clients on demand. With an online shop under development, we shall be able to reach a wider net of customers within Egerton University and beyond.

Since CoELIB Apparel began operations, it has progressively been satisfying demand and created a special niche through thematic branding that tells a story.

According to Brill Wango, a lead designer with CoELIB Apparel, the unit boasts a customer satisfaction of 58% and is set to rise with growing demand and an expanding customer base.

“The products of CoELIB Apparel are of high-quality standard and are durable. This is a step in the right direction especially as the Centre strives towards attaining long-term sustainability.” – James Mburu (Customer & Attachee at CoELIB Developers).

Our mission is to empower businesses, entrepreneurs, and communities by providing them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and support to succeed in an ever-changing economic landscape.


CoELIB, Egerton University,
8 Maringo Road,
536-20115 Egerton Kenya.

(+254) 711 082 444/3

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