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CoELIB Media: Connecting us with our Authenticity

CoELIB Media: Connecting us with our Authenticity

Egerton University marked her 43rd graduation ceremony on Friday, 28th 2021 with 2,041 graduates receiving 67 Diploma awards, 1,868 Bachelor’s degrees, 83 Master’s degrees, and 23 PhDs. The graduation ceremony comes at a time when COVID-19 has ravaged most of our usual lives as we have lived to know it. This has called for a need for adaptability in the way we do our things, how we interact and how we connect.

In his address during the 43rd Graduation Ceremony, Egerton University’s Chancellor, Dr Narendra Raval was quoted saying,

“Change is inevitable. As the adage goes, the only constant in life is change. When you stop changing and growing, you cease to thrive. The COVID-19 pandemic has now become the most significant catalyst of change”.

His sentiments have pretty much been our metronome at CoELIB ever since the first COVID case was reported in Kenya in March 2019. CoELIB Media aided a lot in this adaptability within and without the Egerton University quotas by connecting people and restoring hope through virtual live streaming services among many others. This being our second virtual graduation to broadcast to the entire world to witness, we have lived up to expectations nonetheless with few challenges.

Our operational excellence in media is pronounced due to the relentless drive of our talented team of creatives towards success. We try to make a story out of each aspect we share with the world and this too has been a great reason for our success across the media landscape. As we deliver on our promise of perfection, we also strive to connect with the authenticity of the people on both sides of the spectrum. Channelling this energy between both sides of the divide through quality broadcasting has been our great strength and foundation.

We did one better by ensuring that our graduates had a seamless account of their graduation, albeit virtually, via Zoom, YouTube and on the Egerton University website. This broadcast was as successful as it was impactful, especially to the graduating class. With the satisfaction of our audience being our ultimate goal, we are happy to say that the 43rd Graduation Ceremony was a success!

CoELIB Media and the entire CoELIB family joins Egerton University and the world in wishing the 2021 cohort of graduates the very best as they transition to the next phase in life.
We are proud of you!

Our mission is to empower businesses, entrepreneurs, and communities by providing them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and support to succeed in an ever-changing economic landscape.


CoELIB, Egerton University,
8 Maringo Road,
536-20115 Egerton Kenya.

(+254) 711 082 444/3

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